1. What is the Jewsish Federation Scholarship?
It is a day camp scholarship offered by the Jewish Federation.
2. Who is eligible?
It is for campers attending Jewish camps in Cincinnati. It is need-based. However, it is reserved for campers who are not receiving any other
scholarships/assistance. Therefore, if you are not eligible for some of the government programming, you may still (and very likely) be eligible for this
3. How much money can I expect to receive?
Scholarships are determined based on income/family size and potentially other extenuating circumstances. Each camper can potentially receive up to $400 off camp tuition.
4. How do I apply?
You can go to https://campashreinucincy.com/forms/ and submit your application. Your application is not sent to Camp Ashreinu. However, your application is submitted directly to the scholarship committee who determines your scholarship. The scholarship committee will send a list of the scholarship recipients and amounts to Camp Ashreinu. Camp Ashreinu will then notify you the amount awarded by the Jewish Federation.
5. When should I apply?
The deadline for the scholarship is Camp Ashreinu’s Early Bird Special, March 6th. Registration must be completed prior to processing any scholarship application.